Coffee Talk

Writings by Edward Patrick Kranz (Ezju) about fine art created with coffee. You will find detailed information on Ezju’s works created at No Such Animal Studios and information about other artists who use coffee as a medium.

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Location: Seattle, Washington, United States

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Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Coffee Religion

My first coffee painting has brought about comments I had not expected. This piece is entitled Barista with Syrup Bottles. A harmless enough concept. As I watched her from in the dark café, morning light was streaming in the drive through window. Squinting distorted the bottles a bit but the light was too bright. I started to sketch. It was from this sketch that I made the first painting and started the Coffee Culture series.

The comments I receive most about this image have to do with religion and specifically Jesus. Most who view this piece think there is some holy theme or message that I’m trying to get across. At first it was annoying because I wanted everyone to see what I intended them to see.

I’ve read articles on coffee, read books on coffee, spoke to those in the industry and sat waxing philosophical with coffee fanatics in cafes. It hit me like a 100 pound burlap bag full of Columbia’s finest. Coffee silly, what else would I be talking about? The way people worship coffee isn’t too far from religious zealous.

I don’t get annoyed any more when I’m asked about the coffee Jesus light painting any more. I smile and know that they love coffee and they get it.

Barista with Syrup Bottles is 16" x 20" and painted in Starbucks French Roast on Amperstand Smooth Clayboard.


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